
April 2018

Major 2018 VDBUM Seminar

From 20 to 23 February hundreds of decision-makers and experts from the construction industry met at the Sauerland Stern Hotel in Willingen for one of the most important seminar and networking events of the year. The theme of the 47th major VDBUM seminar, which featured a highly varied and practice-based programme of presentations, was: “People, the environment and machinery in the digital construction process”.


The International Hydraulics Academy (IHA) once more participated in the programme of the seminar with a workshop on diagnosing technical faults in construction machinery. HANSA-FLEX has been a member of the “Federation of the construction, environmental and mechanical engineering industry” since 1997, and once more took part in this popular industry gettogether with a sales team, the Eventmobile and a Rapid Hydraulic Service vehicle.